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上好“最后一课” 高考倒计时考试信息早知道

On the "last lecture" entrance countdown test information early know

2015-06-05 08:19:05来源: 大众网

考试信息早知道 今天下午“踩点”注意这些事项 6月5日下午3:00点以后,济南的高考考点将向考生开放,考生们可携带好相关证件前去“踩点”。 ●按规划的“赶考路线”走一遍 去熟悉考场时...

examination of the information knew this afternoon "Capitol" pay attention to these matters on June 5th at 3:00 in the afternoon after, the college entrance examination test sites in Jinan will be open to the candidates, candidates who can carry the relevant documents to the Capitol. According to the "exam - planning route" to go through to get familiar with the examination room...