【摘要】 活动现场,沈铁梅绘声绘色的艺术示范与指导让现场的青年演员获益匪浅。一曲唱罢,著名川剧表演艺术家、市川剧院院长沈铁梅,在现场与香港八合会馆青年演员代表和香港演艺学院学生代表分享了自己的戏曲心...
[Abstract] activities at the scene, Shen Tiemei vivid art demonstration and guidance to scene of young actor benefit bandit is shallow. Changba a, the famous performing artist of Sichuan Opera, the city Sichuan Opera Theatre Dean Shen Tiemei, on behalf of scene and Hong Kong eight hall young actor representative and the Hong Kong Academy for performing arts students share the drama of his heart...