中新网3月29日 尽管近来饱受非议,但温格确认下个赛季将100%继续执教阿森纳。 阿森纳目前已经在欧冠和足总杯中出局,联赛争冠前景也不容乐观,在曼市双雄、切尔西、利物浦皆因动荡与伤病表现不佳的前提下,相对稳定的阿森纳也没能抓住机会,这让外界许多球迷和业内人士都对温格的执教能力提出了质...
Beijing, March 29 Despite the recent disputed, but wenger confirmed to 100% at Arsenal next season. Arsenal has been out of the champions league and fa cup, league title, foreground is not optimistic, in Manchester city pair, Chelsea, Liverpool are due to turbulence and injuries under the premise of poor performance, and relatively stable Arsenal failed to seize the opportunity, this makes the many fans and the industry's ability to coach arsene wenger puts forward the quality...