新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谭盾冯小刚汪涵曝联袂打造实景剧《天女散花》


Tan dun, feng xiaogang Wang Han had made live-action drama "split"

2016-02-06 03:59:18来源: 青岛网络电视台

首位获得奥斯卡和格莱美双料大奖的著名华人作曲家谭盾祖籍湖南湘潭 冯小刚、汪涵两位湘潭籍导演界和主持界的“老炮儿”惺惺相惜相谈甚欢 湖南“花果山”盘龙大观园景区是民间神话故事“天女散花”故里 ...

The first double Oscar and grammy awards of the famous Chinese composer tan dun originally from hunan xiangtan Feng xiaogang, Wang Han two xiangtan cadastral director kingdom and presided over the "old gun son" bonded meeting Hunan "huaguo mountain" panlong grand view garden scenic spot is hometown of folk fairy tales "split"...