新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雪莲大剧院第四部自制剧《白雪公主》6日首演成功


Saussurea Grand Theater fourth home-made drama "Snow White" on the 6th debut success

2016-05-08 22:38:54来源: 大众网

东营网讯 5月6日晚,雪莲大剧院第四部自制剧魔幻经典传奇儿童剧《白雪公主》首演成功,唯美的舞台风格,演员们精湛的演技、幽默诙谐的动作语言让现场的小朋友坐不住了,他们大笑、他们大叫、他们兴奋地跳,同样...

Dongying Reuters evening of May 6, Saussurea Grand Theater fourth home-made drama fantasy legendary children's drama "Snow White" debut success, beautiful stage style, the actors superb acting, humor to the scene of action language children sit still, they laugh, they cry, they are excited to jump, the same ...