画了淡妆的胡慧中在化妆品店,拿起货品研究 据台湾媒体报道,70年代红星胡慧中以电影《欢颜》走红,嫁给香港民政事务局前局长何志平后息影,甚少公开露面,57岁的她气质风采依然迷人。她日前和女性友人及2个外佣在香港购物并逛超市,当天化淡妆的胡慧中,shopping兴致相当好,她先在商店买了...
painted makeup Sibelle Hu in the cosmetics store, pick up the goods on according to Taiwan media reports, 70's star Sibelle Hu in the film "smile" became popular, married to the Home Affairs Bureau of Hongkong former Secretary He Zhiping after the break, rarely appeared in public, at the age of 57, her temperament style is still charming. She recently and female friends and 2 maids in Hongkong shopping and shopping in the supermarket, when King Sibelle Hu makeup, shopping was quite good, her first in the store to buy...