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Japanese clothing brand UNIQLO plans to expand its Russian regional market

2015-07-15 15:15:43来源: 亿邦动力网

日本Fast Retailing迅销集团执行副总裁Horiaki Koyama在圣彼得堡经济论坛与会期间发言表示,目前集团旗下服装品牌Uniqlo在莫斯科共计有七家店面,未来计划展店至俄罗斯其它城市。他表示,该集团在俄罗斯的投资,将有助于俄国管理人才训练,并为当地人创造更多工作机会;但同时,他也希望俄罗斯政府协能够简化海关流程,并加强物流网发展,以改善地方商业发展环境。Fast Retailing旗下的Uniqlo品牌于1984年在日本广岛成立第一间店,后于2010年进驻俄国市场,在莫斯科的Atrium百货商场开启俄国第一家分店。目前Uniqloy在全球共有1,500个店面,足迹遍布16个国家...

Japan's Fast Retailing Xun pin group executive vice president Horiaki Koyama in St Petersburg economic forum during the conference said in a statement. The group's fashion brand UNIQLO in Moscow, a total of seven stores, future plan exhibition shop to Russia in other cities. He said that the group's investment in Russia, there will be helpful to Russian management personnel training, and create more job opportunities for local people; but at the same time, he also wants to Russian Government Association to simplify customs procedures, and strengthen the development of the logistics network, to improve the development of local business environment. Retailing Uniqlo's Fast brand in 1984 in Hiroshima, Japan established the first store, after the Russian market in 2010, the Atrium department store in Moscow to open the first Russian branch. Currently Uniqloy in a total of 1500 stores worldwide, the footprint throughout 16 countries...