新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大师兄 师傅被妖怪抓走了《进击的悟空》评测

大师兄 师傅被妖怪抓走了《进击的悟空》评测

Big brother master was the monster. The onslaught of Wukong "evaluation

2015-08-17 18:29:08来源: 4399


" journey to the west "is well-known fairy tales, I believe that there is no what a person said they had never seen a journey to the west, regardless of the TV series and cartoons, small series have seen several versions of the, they all have their own characteristics. Today Xiaobian to introduce this game entertainment the onslaught of Wukong "is in" journey to the west "as the story background, to save the master from the cow devil king's hand. We want to go through layers of suffering, the growth of a man of indomitable spirit.