国内唯一正版死神漫改手游《死神-斩之灵》8月20日正式开启安卓版预下载,21日将开始发放激活码。死神动画版权方集英社、电通、东京电视台、Pierrot正版授权手游正式来袭,一场全民热血格斗风暴即将席卷这个夏天。 ▌正版精品共同见证 8月10日,《死神-斩之灵》激活码预约已经在官网火爆...
the only legal version of the original version of the God of death, the spirit of death in August 20th officially opened an Android version of the pre download, 21 will start issuing the activation code. Death animation copyright, Shueisha, Dentsu, Tokyo TV station, Pierrot genuine authorized official hand tour of the hit, a national blood fighting the storm is sweeping this summer. Genuine boutique witnessed in August 10th, "the spirit of death - cut" activation code on the official website booking has been hot...