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《碎碎曲奇》甜蜜升级 4月9日安卓公测

"Cookies" sweet and upgrade in April 9th beta Andrews

2015-04-08 15:35:48来源: 4399

facebook2014年度最受欢迎手游《碎碎曲奇》在App Store公测后,立即登上免费榜TOP 10,人气居高不下,引发玩家对安卓版的期待。《碎碎曲奇》安卓版将于4月9日公测,届时会有大波精彩活动和礼包等你哦! ▍《碎碎曲奇》持续火爆,甜蜜诱惑深入人心 《碎碎曲奇》IOS公测以...

facebook2014 the year's most popular Mobile Games "cookies" in App and Store beta, immediately boarded the list of free TOP 10, high popularity, caused the Android version of the game player to. And "cookie" Android version will be on April 9th beta, there will be a big wave of exciting activities and gifts waiting for you oh! "Cookies" man and continued hot, sweet temptation to win support among the people "and" the IOS beta in cookies...

标签: 安卓