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"Diablo" battle Android first test project team bitter force working chart exposure

2015-02-04 15:24:34来源: 4399

东方暗黑即时战术手游《暗黑战魂》破天封测已于1月29日震撼上线,其出色的游戏玩法和良好的品质在玩家群体间广受好评,游戏人气只增不减。而近期小编有幸探访《暗黑战魂》项目组,去为玩家揭示这款人气手游背后默默付出的那些人。 【服务器火爆异常 运营团队持续奋战中】 作为市场上少见的东方暗黑...

Oriental Diablo tactics Mobile Games "Diablo" IC packaging and testing has been broken day battle on-line in January 29th shocked, its excellent gameplay and good quality wide acclaim in the game player groups, game popularity not only increase. Recently, small make up to visit the "dark battle" project group, those who go for the game player reveal the hot Mobile Games pay silently. [server unpopular as the market rare Oriental Diablo abnormal operation team continued fighting]...

标签: 安卓