图为云南省政协副主席倪慧芳为受助学生发放资助证书 王磊 摄 图为共青团云南省委副书记罗永斌向茅台集团赠送捐赠纪念牌匾 王磊 摄 中新网昆明9月15日电 (记者 马骞)“相信贫困只是暂时的,我...
figure for Yunnan Province CPPCC Vice Chairman Ni Huifang recipient students issued fund certificates Wang Lei photo graph for the Communist Youth League Deputy Secretary of Yunnan Provincial Committee of Yong bin Luo to Maotai Group gift to commemorate the donation plaque Wang Lei photo in Beijing, Kunming, September 15 (Xinhua) (reporter Ma Wenqian) "believe that poverty is temporary, I...