新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今日《星辰变》新服"渡劫之战"震撼来袭


Today "stars goes" new clothes "Du to rob a war" shock struck

2015-03-20 19:20:26来源: 天极网

2D次世代动作网游《星辰变》“渡劫之战”新服即在今天正式上线,升级道具大礼包、限量版黄金羊坐骑“绝尘”、超值材料大放送、六大精彩活动任性来袭。本次新服还将迎来灵脉系统的华丽升级,“渡劫之战”就此开启! “绝尘”免费拿,新服豪礼送不停 今日,《星辰变》新服“渡劫之战”正式开启,官方...

2D the next generation of action games "stars goes" "Du to rob a war" in the new dress today officially launched, upgrades package, limited edition gold sheep mounts "the vast dust", big run, premium materials six big wonderful willful incoming activity. The new service will also usher in the spirit of the magnificent portal system upgrade, "Du to rob a war" to open "the vast dust free!" with new clothes, Ho ceremony does not stop today, "stars goes" new clothes "Du to rob a war" officially opened, the official...