暑期档热播剧同名手游《旋风少女》,自7月正式登陆App Store以来,凭借其优秀的游戏品质和庞大的后援粉丝团支持,曾一举冲上App Store付费总榜前四,彰显了“旋风少女”这个人气IP的强大号召力与游戏的无穷影响力。 【下载兑换码抢手 供不应求】 《旋风少女》官方手游为了回馈...
file in the summer hit drama hand tour of the same name" tornado girls ", since July officially landed in the app store since, by virtue of the excellent quality of the game and huge fans backing group support. Once at one fell swoop rushed on the app store paid in the top four in the overall standings, highlighting the" tornado girl "the popularity of IP's strong appeal and games of infinite power. [Download] the demand for the short supply of the exchange code, "the tornado girl" official hand travel in order to return...