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《创世神话》今日公测 豪取万元现金争霸赛

The creation myth of beta today Hao take million yuan in cash tournament

2015-08-15 00:19:03来源: 17173

以《封神演义》为背景,由乐游游戏独家代理的3D重度PK网游《创世神话》将于8月15日(今日)14:00开启全民公测,新服“兵临城下”重磅来袭!万元现金争霸赛、特色PVP战场、公会驻地系统、挑战“封神榜”等全新玩法全面开启! 公测时间:8月15日14:00 新服名称:兵临城下 【...

in "FengShenYanYi" as the background, the exclusive agent of amusement game 3D severe PK, the net swims the creation myth "will be on August 15 (today) 14:00 open universal beta, the new service" under siege "blockbuster hits! Million yuan in cash, the tournament featured PVP, guild system, battlefield resident challenge "Fengshenbang" and other new rules fully open! Beta time: August 15th 14:00 new service name: The enemy approached the walls. [...