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"Mu miracle" of the classical system know how much

2015-08-18 13:50:13来源: 新浪

在村长家,老村长在仓库房里静静的抚摸着那把已经生锈了巨剑,这把上的铁锈曾证明了它是经历过风风雨雨的巨剑。《奇迹MU》作为网游的开山鼻祖,在 如今的游戏中依然能够找到这款游戏的依稀影子,这款游戏的很多地方都值得借鉴,而且就是在当今的时代还是很主流的玩法,《奇迹MU》的经典当之无愧。 《...

in the home village and the old village in the warehouse room quietly stroked the rusted the huge sword, the rust have proved it is experienced the ups and downs of the huge sword. "Miracle Mu" as founder of the online games, in today's game can still find this game shadow vaguely, this game of a lot of places are worth using for reference and is in today's era is very mainstream play, "Mu miracle" of the classic deserved. "...