由网易游戏诚意打造的互动跑酷手游《猫和老鼠官方手游》IOS版和安卓版同步更新,在新的版本里将开放新场景、新玩法、甚至还有全新角色登场。小伙伴们是不是坐不住了呢?下面大家就一起来看下本次更新的具体内容吧! ▍IOS版 版本更新至1.2.5 版,更新内容: 1、修复了跳跃按钮的BUG;...
by Netease game in good faith to create interactive Parkour Tour "cat and mouse official tour" version of IOS and Android version update, in the new version will be open to new scene, new ways, and even a new debut role. Small partners are not sitting? Here we will look at the specific content of this update! Man IOS version updated to 1.2.5 version, update: 1, repair the jump button BUG;...