物理引擎派对游戏《人类跌落梦境》(Human Fall Flat)已于 2020 年 12 月 17 日上线国服手机平台,手游版已于今日(8 月 30 日)迎来“沙雕派对”第二季更新,加入 PC 版的官方关卡“丛林”和“大都会”并彻底重做了游戏的联机系统。 视频地址由于手游刚上线时采用的 P2P 联机模式,不少玩家表示联机卡顿到不能自理,开发团队现已将联机方式改为了服务器进行数据运算和交互,手游的多人体验也达到了不错的程度。在“沙雕派对”第二季更新中,官方还对 17 个官方关卡进行了性能优化;将加入多个热门的“创意工坊”地图,其中包含大家熟悉的“拳鸡比赛”。《人类跌落梦境》游戏原译《人类一败涂地》,国内又被称为“面条人”,是一款基于物理引擎的多人合作解谜游戏,但由于玩家角色的四肢软绵无力
The physical engine party game "human fall flat" was launched on the national service mobile platform on December 17, 2020. The mobile game version has ushered in the second quarter update of "sand carving party" today (August 30). It has joined the official levels "Jungle" and "metropolis" in the PC version and completely reworked the online system of the game& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Video address due to the P2P online mode adopted when the mobile game was just launched, many players said that they couldn't take care of themselves. The development team has changed the online mode to the server for data operation and interaction, and the multiplayer experience of the mobile game has also reached a good level. In the second quarter update of "sand carving party", the official also optimized the performance of 17 official levels; Several popular "creative workshops" maps will be added, including the familiar "fist chicken competition"《 The original translation of the game "human fall dream" is "human fall to the ground", which is also known as "noodle man" in China. It is a multi person cooperative puzzle solving game based on the physical engine, but due to the weakness of the player's limbs