新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《月姬 重制版》开场动画公布 由ufotable制作

《月姬 重制版》开场动画公布 由ufotable制作

The opening animation of Yueji remake was released and produced by ufotable

2021-08-30 10:53:16来源: 游戏时光

《月姬 -A piece of blue glass moon-》官方现已公开游戏开场动画,主题曲为 ReoNa 演唱的「生命线」,动画由 ufotable 制作。视频链接本作已于 8 月 26 日发售,登陆 PS4 和 Switch 平台,暂不支持中文。视频截图来源:YouTube

The official opening animation of a piece of blue glass Moon has been released. The theme song is "lifeline" sung by reona, and the animation is produced by ufotable. The video link has been sold on August 26. It logs in to PS4 and switch platform and does not support Chinese temporarily. Video screenshot source: YouTube