新关注 > 信息聚合 > 彭博社:网易或正从世嘉挖角名越稔洋


Bloomberg: Netease may be looking for a better name from SEGA

2021-08-30 14:15:53来源: 游戏时光

彭博社报道,网易正从世嘉挖角《如龙》系列制作人名越稔洋,目前进度已经到了最终的协商阶段。根据知情人士的消息,名越稔洋目前尚未签署最终的合同,并且他(在网易)的职责也尚未确定,他将会组建自己的团队并开发新游戏。如果正式协议达成,该消息或许会在 9 月 24 日《审判之逝:湮灭的记忆》发售后公开。 名越稔洋 在同篇报道中,彭博社还表示腾讯也正在收购另一家日本工作室,或许会在今年晚些时候公布。目前,腾讯和网易均未对该新闻所报道的内容发表评论,世嘉方面的发言人表示,公司并不会对个人员工的雇佣情况发表评论。来源:彭博社(英文版 日文版)

According to Bloomberg, Netease is recruiting more and more people from SEGA to make Rulong series. At present, the progress has reached the final negotiation stage. According to informed sources, Minyue Renyang has not yet signed the final contract, and his responsibilities (in Netease) have not been determined. He will set up his own team and develop new games. If a formal agreement is reached, the news may be released after the release of "the death of trial: obliterated memory" on September 24& amp; nbsp; Name & amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; In the same report, Bloomberg also said that Tencent is also acquiring another Japanese studio, which may be announced later this year. At present, neither Tencent nor Netease has commented on the content reported by the news. A Sega spokesman said that the company will not comment on the employment of individual employees. Source: Bloomberg (English and Japanese) & amp; nbsp;

标签: 网易