新关注 > 信息聚合 > 然而三个小时过去了网易亏大了


But three hours later NetEase big loss

2015-05-12 03:04:37来源: 17173

今天(5月11号)晚上大概8点48左右,小编正在手游抓鬼 端游杀看戏,然后突然就不动了,小编以为是自己网络问题,然而并不是 期间出了很多谣言,比如什么爆炸,起火之类的,不过都是假的 截止到目前为止已经过去了近3个小时,基本是网易旗下所有的端游,手游,官方论坛,易信等等都是无法连接...

today (May 11th) at around eight forty-eight, Xiao Bian is Mobile Games ghosts kill the end of the tour the theatre, then suddenly froze, Xiao Bian thought that their network problems, but not during a lot of rumors, such as what the explosion, fire and the like, but it is false to date has passed nearly 3 hours, the basic is the end of the tour, all the NetEase's Mobile Games, easecredit official forum, and so are unable to connect...

标签: 网易