新关注 > 信息聚合 > 滴滴等平台“雨中加价”,是趁人之危吗?


Drops platform, such as "premium" in the rain, is the danger of people?

2016-07-22 17:09:12来源: DoNews

资本都是逐利的,即使是打着“共享”名义,看重的也还是背后的经济回报。 虽然,针对专车(官方称“网络预约出租车”或“网约车”)的监管规则还没有正式出台。但是,经过一场大雨的“洗礼”,应该也让很多乘客看清楚了专车平台的本来面目。经商赚钱无可厚非,没有监管的资本逐利,最终伤害的还是乘客群体。一场大雨,终于让“浓妆艳抹”的专车、快车平台露出了本来面目。在这些专车平台眼中,它们高举的“共享经济“旗帜,说到底不是为了”共享“互助,而是为了”利益最大化“。7月20日,北京地区迎来一轮强降雨,原本是一次展示专车平台“共享”理念和优势的良机,结果让滴滴、Uber等专车平台“动态加价”给很多乘客“泼了一盆冷水”。...

Capital is profit, even in the name of "sharing", the value of or behind the economic returns. Although, in view of the car (official called "online booking taxi", or "the net about car") of the regulation has not been formally introduced. However, after a heavy rain "baptism", should also make a lot of passengers to see the car platform as they really are. In business to make money right, no regulatory capital profit, ultimately hurt or passenger groups. A heavy rain, and finally let "makeup", express platform to show the true colors of car. In the eyes of these car platform, exalted "Shared economic" banner, at the end of the day is not to "share" mutual aid, but for the sake of "benefit maximization". On July 20, the Beijing area for a heavy rainfall, originally is a show car platform "sharing" concept and advantage of this opportunity, the result let drops, Uber car platform dynamic "premium" to many passengers "pours cold water". ...