新关注 > 信息聚合 > VG总选举40强出炉,今天中午直播分组抽签仪式


The top 40 of VG general election was released, and the group drawing ceremony was broadcast live at noon today

2021-08-30 11:51:33来源: 游戏时光

每年的复活赛总是那么激烈。伴随着零点的钟声,力巴尔以 25 票(5.4%)的微弱优势胜过了索侬,拿下男子组 40 强的最后一张门票;而女子组那边,红叶与向田纱荣子在开赛后的头 10 个小时里一直保持着相近的票数 —— 最接近的时候甚至只有 3 票的差距,直到第二天的白天才逐渐拉开差距,最终红叶挺进下一轮,得以和绫音、隼龙一起继续总选举的征程。至此,本届游戏角色人气总选举男女 40 强正式出炉(名单见文末)。那么接下来的环节就是紧张刺激的抽签环节了!按照往届的经验来看,一位角色想在总选举中走得更远,除了自身的人气外,分组同样重要。俗话说“运气也是实力的一部分”,今年会有怎样的分组呢,会出现“死亡之组”吗?今天中午 12:00 直播,我们一起来见证这一时刻。抽签嘉宾:啾语、Lost。》》直播间地址《《40强名单男子

The resurrection game is always so fierce every year. With the bell of zero, libar beat sonon by 25 votes (5.4%) and won the last ticket of the men's top 40; In the women's group, Hongye and xiangtian sarongko maintained a similar number of votes in the first 10 hours after the start of the competition - the closest time was even only 3 votes, and the gap was not gradually opened until the next day. Finally, Hongye advanced to the next round and was able to continue the journey of the general election with Ling Yin and Falcon dragon. So far, the top 40 men and women in this game role popularity general election have been officially released (see the end of the article for the list). Then the next step is the exciting draw! According to previous experience, grouping is also important for a role to go further in the general election, in addition to its own popularity. As the saying goes, "luck is also a part of strength". What kind of grouping will there be this year? Will there be a "death group"? Live today at 12:00 noon. Let's witness this moment. Lottery guests: Joyu, lost Address of the live broadcasting room

标签: 直播