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直播预告:来《火焰纹章无双 风花雪月》体验新故事!

Live broadcast Preview: come to "flame heraldry matchless wind, flower and snow moon" to experience a new story!

2022-06-24 10:20:51来源: 游戏时光

《火焰纹章无双 风花雪月》已在今日发售。本作继承了《火焰纹章 风花雪月》的世界观与人物角色,剧情上也有一些改动。今天 12 点半开始,来直播间观看《火焰纹章无双 风花雪月》,和我们一起体验芙朵拉大地上的新故事!》》直播间地址《《

"Flame heraldry matchless wind, flower and snow moon" has been on sale today. This work inherits the world outlook and characters of "flame heraldry, wind, flowers and snow moon", and there are some changes in the plot. From 12:30 today, come to the live broadcasting room to watch the flame heraldry matchless wind, flower and snow moon, and experience the new story on the earth of fudola with us Address of live broadcasting room《《

标签: 直播