新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为了让《最终幻想16》有中世纪幻想感,动捕、配音都找了欧洲人来做


In order to make "Final Fantasy 16" have a medieval fantasy, mobile capture and dubbing have been done by Europeans

2022-06-26 12:37:28来源: 游戏时光

从《最终幻想》目前已公开的两支宣传片和官方情报来看,《最终幻想16》有着很明显的中世纪幻想风格。游戏制作人吉田直树近日在采访中表示,为了让游戏能够准确地呈现出这种风格,本作的动作捕捉和演员配音都找了欧洲人来做。因为受到《魔戒》的深深影响,一想到中世纪的题材就有一种“中世纪幻想 = 欧洲”的感觉。此外 PS5 上现在也还没有这种规模的展现中世纪特色的游戏,于是 Square Enix 决定专注于展现欧洲中世纪的场景,再加入自己的幻想要素。台词是先用日语写好再翻译成英语的,随后动作捕捉和配音都找了欧洲演员来负责。值得一提的是吉田还表示英语配音时特别注意了不要有美式口音,全部由英国配音演员进行配音,避免玩家发出「我期待的明明是中世纪欧洲奇幻,怎么会有美式口音」的评论。来源:dengekionline

According to the two publicity films and official intelligence of final fantasy, final fantasy 16 has an obvious medieval fantasy style. Game producer Naoki Yoshida said in an interview recently that in order to make the game accurately present this style, the action capture and actor dubbing of this work have been done by Europeans. Because of the deep influence of the Lord of the rings, there is a feeling of "medieval fantasy = Europe" when I think of the subject matter of the middle ages. In addition, there is no game of this scale to show the characteristics of the Middle Ages on the ps5, so square Enix decided to focus on showing the scenes of the Middle Ages in Europe and add its own fantasy elements. The lines were first written in Japanese and then translated into English. Later, European actors were asked to take charge of the action capture and dubbing. It is worth mentioning that Yoshida also said that when dubbing in English, he paid special attention not to have an American accent. All dubbing was done by British dubbing actors to avoid players' comments that "what I expect is clearly a medieval European fantasy. How can there be an American accent?". Source: dengekionline

标签: 最终幻想