新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国行Xbox《极限竞速:地平线5》限量版手柄将于11月9日发售


The limited edition handle of BOC Xbox extreme racing: Horizon 5 will be on sale on November 9

2021-08-30 15:41:40来源: 游戏时光

Xbox 官方公布了国行《极限竞速 地平线5》主题限量版手柄的宣传视频,该手柄将于 11 月 9 日与《极限竞速 地平线5》同步推出。视频链接本品采用了独特的防滑纹理和自定义光效设计,不过性能上与普通手柄一致。视频截图来源:Bilibili

Xbox officially announced the promotional video of the limited edition handle with the theme of BOC's extreme racing horizon 5, which will be launched simultaneously with extreme racing horizon 5 on November 9. Video link this product adopts a unique non slip texture and custom light effect design, but its performance is consistent with that of the ordinary handle. Video screenshot source: BiliBili

标签: Xbox