新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox《战地2042》预载开启,PlayStation与PC版随后跟上


Xbox battlefield 2042 preloading started, and Playstation and PC versions followed

2021-11-07 10:32:15来源: 游戏时光

EA 的年度大作《战地2042》即将于 11 月 19 日正式发售,目前 Xbox One 及 Xbox Series X|S 版已开启预载,据悉Xbox One 版大小为 27.60 GB,Xbox Series X|S 版为 51.42 GB。官方还公布了其他平台版本的预载时间,PS4 和 PS5 版将于 11 月 10 日 0 点起(根据当地时间)开启预载,而 PC 版则将于 北京时间 11 月 10 日 18 点开启预载。来源:战地官推

EA's annual masterpiece battlefield 2042 will be officially released on November 19. At present, the Xbox one and Xbox series x|s versions have been preloaded. It is reported that the size of the Xbox one version is 27.60 GB and the Xbox series x|s version is 51.42 GB. The official also announced the preloading time of other platform versions. The PS4 and ps5 versions will be preloaded from 0:00 on November 10 (according to local time), while the PC version will be preloaded at 18:00 on November 10, Beijing time. Source: Battlefield official push

标签: Xbox PC