新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《漫威蜘蛛侠》PC版特性、配置要求公开


The characteristics and configuration requirements of Marvel spider man PC version are public

2022-07-21 13:12:12来源: 游戏时光

《漫威蜘蛛侠》PC 版将于 2022 年 8 月 12 日上线,官方今日公开了游戏 PC 版的特性预告宣传片,宣布游戏将支持超宽屏幕显示、DualSense 手柄、光线追踪和英伟达 DLSS 等硬件及特性。视频地址同时游戏的硬件需求已经公开,最低配置需求 Nvidia GTX 950、Intel Core i3-4160、8G 内存;推荐配置需求 Nvidia GTX 1066、Intel Core i5-4670、16G 内存。此外还有光线追踪模式配置和终极光线追踪模式配置,详见文末配图。现在预购可获得三套战衣,蜘蛛无人机和 5 技能点。详细信息如下。 PC 特性PC 图形优化。提供多种图形质量选项,解锁帧率,并支持 AI 性能提升 NVIDIA DLSS 和 AI 图像质量增强 NVI

The PC version of Marvel spider man will be launched on August 12, 2022. The official released the feature trailer of the PC version of the game today, announcing that the game will support hardware and features such as ultra wide screen display, dualsense handle, ray tracing and NVIDIA DLSS. The hardware requirements of video address and games have been disclosed, and the minimum configuration requirements are NVIDIA GTX 950, Intel Core i3-4160, and 8g memory; The recommended configuration requires NVIDIA GTX 1066, Intel Core i5-4670, and 16g memory. In addition, there are ray tracing mode configuration and ultimate ray tracing mode configuration. See the figure at the end of the text for details. Now you can get three sets of battle clothes, spider drone and 5 skill points by pre ordering. Details are as follows& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; PC features PC graphics optimization. Provide a variety of graphics quality options, unlock the frame rate, and support AI performance improvement NVIDIA DLSS and AI image quality enhancement NVI

标签: PC