新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曾参与《光环 无限》开发的辅助工作室或正开发原创FPS

曾参与《光环 无限》开发的辅助工作室或正开发原创FPS

Auxiliary studios that have participated in the development of halo infinite may be developing original FPS

2022-07-25 12:06:57来源: 游戏时光

近日,曾参与《光环 无限》开发的游戏工作室 Certain Affinity 在其官网的招聘页面上更新了一些新职位,根据描述,他们或许正在开发一款原创的第一人称射击游戏。 透露出此信息的是一段关于游戏总监的职位描述,描述中写道: 我们以合作开发众多 3A 级 FPS 游戏而闻名,但现在,我们正在开发属于我们自己的新游戏。我们一直在寻找出色的人才加入我们的团队。 除此之外,用户体验总监大卫辛克莱尔(David Sinclair)的一些个人信息更新也增加了这个推测的真实性。有网友发现,大卫在他领英

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Recently, the game studio certain affinity, which once participated in the development of halo infinite, updated some new positions on the recruitment page of its official website. According to the description, they may be developing an original first person shooter game& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; This information was revealed by a job description of the game director, which said: & nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; We are famous for our cooperation in developing many 3A FPS games, but now we are developing our own new games. We are always looking for excellent talents to join our team& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; In addition, some personal information updates of user experience director David Sinclair also increased the authenticity of this speculation. Some netizens found that David was in his LinkedIn

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