新关注 > 信息聚合 > Discord语音聊天功能将登陆Xbox


Discord voice chat will log in XBOX

2022-07-21 12:12:03来源: 游戏时光

近日,通讯软件 Discord 和微软开展了合作,将把 Discord 的语音通话带到 Xbox上。这项功能目前仅对 Xbox Insider 开放,或将在不久的将来对所有玩家开放。 根据官方说明,想要使用这个功能还是有点复杂的。 首先,你必须下载 Xbox 的手机应用,并将你的 Xbox 账号与你的 Discord 账号绑定。(如果你以前绑定过,官方说明中表示需要重新绑定一次,用于开启新的语音权限。)完成绑定之后,如果你想在 Xbox 上用 Discord 与你的小伙伴语音,你可以在 Discord 上开始通话,点击「转移到 Xbox」,然后打开 Xbox 的

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Recently, the communication software discord has cooperated with Microsoft to bring discord's voice calls to Xbox. This feature is currently available only for & nbsp; Xbox insider is open, or will be open to all players in the near future& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to the official instructions, it is a little complicated to use this function& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; First of all, you must download the Xbox mobile app and bind your Xbox account to your discord account. (if you have bound it before, the official instructions indicate that you need to rebind it once to enable new voice permissions.) After binding, if you want to use discord to voice with your friends on Xbox, you can start a call on discord, click "transfer to Xbox", and then open Xbox's

标签: Xbox 聊天