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Xbox and Gucci launch limited edition anniversary Kit

2021-11-13 09:33:09来源: 游戏时光

Xbox 和古驰 (Gucci) 于今日宣布,为了庆祝两个品牌的里程碑时刻:Xbox 20 周年和古驰 100 周年生日,将于 11 月 17 日共同推出全球首款限量版 Gucci & Xbox 组合套装。 该套装限量生产 100 套,套装中将包含一台激光刻印了 “GG” 图案的定制款 Xbox Series X 主机,两个印有古驰标志性红蓝色条纹的磨砂黑色 Xbox 无线手柄,以及一个以古驰手提行李箱为灵感设计的 Xbox Series X 收纳手提箱。 该套装从 11 月 17 日起可在古驰官网或北京 SKP 古驰线下门店选购,售价 10000 美元。

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Xbox and Gucci announced today that in order to celebrate the milestone moments of two brands: the 20th anniversary of Xbox and the 100th anniversary of Gucci, they will jointly launch the world's first limited edition gucci & amp; Xbox Combo Set& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The set is limited to 100 sets. The set will include a customized Xbox series X console with laser engraved "GG" pattern, two matte black Xbox wireless handles printed with Gucci's iconic red and blue stripes, and a & nbsp; Xbox series X storage suitcase& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; This set can be purchased from Gucci's official website or Beijing SKP Gucci's offline stores from November 17, and the price is $10000.

标签: Xbox