新关注 > 信息聚合 > 后台数据显示:《神秘海域 盗贼传奇合辑》PC版或于下半年发售

后台数据显示:《神秘海域 盗贼传奇合辑》PC版或于下半年发售

Background data shows that the PC version of "Legend of thieves in the mysterious sea area" may be available in the second half of the year

2022-06-25 12:08:54来源: 游戏时光

《神秘海域 盗贼传奇合辑》已于 2022 年 1 月 28 日登陆 PS5,索尼也确认推出本作的 PC 版,但该版游戏的发售日尚未公开。最近,此事有了一些新动向。根据 SteamDB 网站的后台数据,《神秘海域 盗贼传奇合辑》PC 版的发售日在近期被改为 2022 年 10 月 19 日。不过官方现在重新编辑了页面,游戏的发售日又被调整为 2022 年 12 月 30 日。SteamDB 数据还显示,本次修改前,《神秘海域 盗贼传奇合辑》PC 版的发售窗口曾显示为 7 月 15 日。依据现有的后台信息,本作应该会在今年下半年发售。早在今年 4 月份,Epic 曾发布一篇游戏博文,表示《神秘海域 盗贼传奇合辑》将在 6 月 20 日登陆 PC 平台。但官方随后修改了界面,这条消息也没有成真。  

"The legend of thieves in the mysterious sea" has landed on ps5 on January 28, 2022. Sony has also confirmed to launch the PC version of the game, but the release date of the game has not been made public. Recently, there have been some new trends in this matter. According to the background data of steamdb website, the release date of the PC version of "the legend of thieves in the mysterious sea area" has recently been changed to October 19, 2022. However, the official has now re edited the page, and the release date of the game has been adjusted to december30,2022. Steamdb data also shows that before this modification, the sales window of the PC version of the mysterious sea bandit legend collection was displayed on July 15. According to the existing background information, this work should be sold in the second half of this year. As early as April this year, epic published a game blog, saying that "the legend of thieves in the mysterious sea" would be launched on the PC platform on June 20. However, the official subsequently modified the interface, and this message did not come true& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp

标签: PC