新关注 > 信息聚合 > 异界改版又现奇怪BUG 我人在哪咋打怪?

异界改版又现奇怪BUG 我人在哪咋打怪?

I was surprised that BUG people under revision Daguai where I?

2016-10-21 19:17:04来源: 多玩游戏

我人呢?我在哪?我怎么打怪? 异界改版了,听说爆率很高,就去刷一刷结果一进图妈的我人呢我技能呢?我在那?

What about me? Where am i? How do I blame? Under revision, that rate is very high, to brush the results into the map I do my skills? I'm there?