新关注 > 信息聚合 > 朴起镐《灭罪师》苦练中文 初见成效口语流利(图)

朴起镐《灭罪师》苦练中文 初见成效口语流利(图)

Park picks the crime division practice in Chinese Fluent in oral produced results (FIG.)

2016-01-27 15:27:51来源: 中工网

河北新闻网讯 由鬼才导演五百携新锐导演杨苗全力打造,汇集了蔡文静、杨奇鸣、朴起镐等中韩演员联合演绎的高能烧脑网剧《灭罪师》正在江苏常州热拍。这是演员朴起镐在中国拍摄的首部作品,尽管曾在大热韩剧《致美...

Hebei news network - Directed by god with five hundred new directors Yang Miao to, brings together the wen-jing CAI, Yang Ji, park picks sino-south Korean actors such as joint deduce energetic burn brain network play "crime" is jiangsu changzhou hot shot. This is an actress park picks in China first, although in hot Korean dramas "to the United States...