新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从莞高速东莞段春运期间将开始试运行


From dongguan this.i will start trial operation during the period of Spring Festival

2017-01-08 02:38:04来源: 东莞阳光网

东莞阳光网讯(全媒体记者 阳玉明)好消息,从莞高速春运期间可以试运行啦!不过提醒市民,目前试运行的,还只是东莞段。 从莞高速公路起于广州从化市温泉镇,终于东莞凤岗镇大洋湖接深圳外环高速,途经广州...

Dongguan sun net news (reporters YangYuMing) good news, from guan high speed during the Spring Festival can run! But warns a citizen, currently, commissioning is dongguan. Since guan highway guangzhou conghua hot spring town, dongguan feng finally post town lake ocean shenzhen outer ring expressway, via guangzhou...