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《长城》热映 谢晓晔Coca Xie采访马特·达蒙

"Great Wall" hit Xie Xiaoye Coca Xie interview matt Damon

2016-12-22 23:56:14来源: 大众网

原标题:张艺谋力作《长城》热映 谢晓晔Coca Xie采访马特·达蒙 张艺谋导演的大片《长城》正在国内热映,这是“沉寂”了多年的张艺谋再次抛出力作,成为了贺岁片中的强档。《长城》是第一次和好莱坞团队合作拍摄,近期片中演员马特·达蒙来中国时接受专访的视频同时热传,在其中担纲主持的一位长...

The original title: zhang yimou film "Great Wall" hit Xie Xiaoye Coca Xie interview matt Damon blockbuster "Great Wall" of zhang yimou's hit in the country, this is the "silence" the masterpiece of zhang yimou throw again for many years, become strong in the New Year movie file. "Great Wall" is Hollywood team and for the first time, the recent film actor matt Damon came to China to accept an interview with video when heat transfer at the same time, among them on a long...