新关注 > 信息聚合 > 封印解除?苹果将很快允许开发者修改iOS图标


Seal release? Apple will soon allow developers to modify the iOS Icon

2017-02-01 10:10:28来源: 电玩巴士

苹果似乎从微软Windows 10操作系统当中获得一些灵感,他们下一个iOS版本将推出自己的活动磁贴。在Windows 10上,活动磁贴基本上是开始菜单/屏幕上显示的应用程序图标。它们可以调整大小,...

Apple seems to get some inspiration from Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system, and their next iOS version will launch their own active magnetic stickers. On Windows 10, the active magnetic sticker is basically the application icon displayed on the start menu / screen. They can be resized,...

标签: iOS 苹果