新关注 > 信息聚合 > 立冬食补正当时 美食养生都到碗里来

立冬食补正当时 美食养生都到碗里来

The beginning of winter to eat outside All food health into a bowl

2016-11-10 14:27:27来源: 中工网


The beginning of winter and spring, summer, autumn and known as the "four vertical", since ancient times to the attention of the people. Folk have the custom of the beginning of winter supplements. TCM holds that, in the beginning of winter sun be the spirit is hidden, Yin bravado, vegetation withering, sting worm volts to hide, all activities tend to rest, recharge to hibernate state, to prepare for spring revitalized. In terms of the human body, the metabolism is relatively slow, so advocate keeping in good health to escape the cold winter temperature, protect the sun be the spirit, make...