新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青藏公路唐古拉段遇雪堵车 司机零下20度抱团取暖

青藏公路唐古拉段遇雪堵车 司机零下20度抱团取暖

The qinghai-tibet highway tangula traffic drivers in period of snow bulk minus 20 degrees

2017-11-12 00:25:27来源: 网易汽车


Since Oct. 30, qinghai-tibet highway tangula cool snow began to fall, resulting in a large number of traffic congestion, according to the driver, the traffic road length has nearly hundred kilometers. And according to on the mountain the driver also speak, where there are about 20 degrees below zero temperature at night, drivers can only people together in a car to keep warm.