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大S女儿扎奇葩羊角辫 玥儿表情超陶醉(图)

Big s daughter with wonderful pigtails Yue children look super intoxicated (Figure)

2015-04-04 16:18:03来源: 新浪

玥儿好陶醉的表情 新浪娱乐讯 今天下午,大S[微博]在微博上晒出女儿小玥儿扎着两个朝天羊角辫的萌照,并称:“祝福大家永保赤子之心。”照片上,小玥儿坐在乱糟糟的床上,眯着眼睛微微笑着,样貌上跟父母...

Yue children look good with the Sina entertainment news this afternoon, the big s [] in micro-blog micro-blog out daughter Yue children wearing two horns braided into the adorable photos, and said: "bless you forever utter innocence." Photo, small Yue children sitting in the mess on the bed, his eyes smiled, looked on with my parents...