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黄澄澄《火锅传奇》学富五车 生不逢时沦落账房先生

Yellow "hot pot legend" has a mind enriched by books Fate reduced Mr Coffers

2017-02-06 18:56:40来源: 大众网

大众网娱乐 近日,年度大戏《火锅传奇》正在重庆卫视火热播出中。曾出演过众多军旅题材情景剧的演员黄澄澄,在《火锅传奇》中一改军人的庄重严肃,化身思想守旧,胆小怕事的账房先生曾宝玉。拥有十年话剧演出经验...

Recently, the public network entertainment annual drama "hot pot legend" is in hot chongqing satellite TV broadcast. Starred in a number of military theme sitcom actor yellow, in the "hot pot legend" serious in the military and incarnate thought conservative, Mr Coffers Ceng Baoyu timid. With ten years experience in drama performances...