新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016年四川省等级医院TOP100品种排行榜


Sichuan province level hospital TOP100 species list in 2016

2017-08-05 23:09:18来源: 医药网

医药网8月5日讯 评判某地医疗水平综合实力中,医院数是一大重要影响因素。据2016年年鉴数据显示,四川省拥有医疗卫生机构79854家,位居全国首位,是全国医疗水平综合实力靠前的实力大省。其等级医院市...

Medical network - August 5, somewhere to judge medical level comprehensive strength, the number of hospitals is an important influencing factors. , according to 2016 yearbook data with medical institutions in sichuan province 79854, ranking first in the country, is the national health level comprehensive strength on the strength of the province. The city level hospital...