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高通在华禁售iPhone 苹果反击:指控没有价值

Qualcomm to ban apple iPhone back in China: accused of no value

2017-10-16 07:47:19来源: 搜狐新闻

同时,苹果也在反诉高通,确认不侵害专利。这些专利涵盖了使用苹果自己处理器的iPhone产品延长电池续航时间的技术,以及与iPhone的 Force Touch 功能相关的技术。近年来,高通深陷多起专...

At the same time, apple in the counterclaim qualcomm, confirm no patent infringement. The patent covers the use of apple iPhone processor products extend battery life technology, and the Force with the iPhone Touch function related technologies. In recent years, the company in several special...

标签: 苹果