新关注 > 信息聚合 > 像素跑酷 《最后的太空人》已上架苹果商店

像素跑酷 《最后的太空人》已上架苹果商店

Pixel Parkour "last man in space" has shelves on the apple store

2015-03-06 09:28:07来源: TechWeb

在许多世界末日类型的影视作品中,往往主角都扮演着地球最后的生存者、人类最后的希望等等形象,他们肩负着重大的使命,却也面对着巨大的危险,有的是自然环境,有的则是外星人的攻击。近日,一款题材相似的游戏《最后的太空人(Lastronaut)》在苹果商店中上架。 游戏出自于Darrin Hen...

in many doomsday types of film and television works, often the protagonist plays the earth the last survivor, last human hope and so on image, they shoulder the important mission, but also facing the huge risk, some of the natural environment, the others are aliens attack. Recently, a similar theme game "last man in space (Lastronaut)" hit shelves in the apple store. The game from Darrin Hen...

标签: 苹果