新关注 > 信息聚合 > Epic和苹果的官司从美国打到了澳大利亚


Epic's case against Apple went from the United States to Australia

2021-07-13 12:25:20来源: 游戏时光

Epic 诉苹果垄断的庭审已经在美国结束,等待判决的时间可能还需要几周甚至几个月的时间。而现在 Epic 在澳大利亚又提出了法律诉讼,意味着此案在澳大利亚又将被单独审理。在 Epic 于澳大利亚再次提出法律诉讼后,苹果公司辩称此案应仅限于美国,也完全可以在美国解决,但最后 Epic 成功上诉了。苹果公司发言人表示,可能会继续提出反对意见,因为澳大利亚联邦法院已于 4 月裁定 Epic 需在加利福尼亚解决其纠纷。“我们尊重但不同意今天作出的裁决。”据报道,在澳大利亚审理此案会和美国有所区别,因为案件的重点会放到苹果是否违反了澳大利亚的竞争和消费者法。法院的判断标准会是苹果的商业行为是否“大幅减少了市场竞争”。在近年的案件中苹果一直称它没有违背反垄断法,理由是它只管理自己的 iOS 市场,而没有涉及安卓市

The trial of epic v. Apple monopoly has ended in the United States, and it may take weeks or even months to wait for a verdict. Now epic has filed a lawsuit in Australia, which means the case will be tried separately in Australia. After epic filed another lawsuit in Australia, apple argued that the case should be limited to the United States and could be settled in the United States, but in the end & amp; nbsp; nbsp; Epic successfully appealed. A spokesman for Apple said it was likely to continue to raise objections as the Australian Federal Court ruled in April that epic needed to settle its dispute in California“ We respect but do not agree with today's ruling. " It is reported that the trial in Australia will be different from that in the United States, because the focus of the case will be on whether Apple has violated Australia's competition and consumer laws. The court's judgment will be whether Apple's business practices "significantly reduce market competition.". In recent cases, Apple has been saying that it has not violated the antitrust law, because it only manages its own IOS market, not Android

标签: 苹果