新关注 > 信息聚合 > 丧心病狂《杀戮之旅3》安卓版更新增加60个关卡


Become frenzied killings "tour 3" Android version update adds 60 points

2015-03-05 20:26:42来源: 4399

杀戮之旅系列第三作《杀戮之旅3》(Overkill 3)此前上架后受到大家一致的好评,看来不少人还是很喜欢射击游戏的,而且该作从第一人称转变为了第三人称大家还是很容易接受的。近期其安卓版本迎来重大更新,一起来看下吧! ▍ 新作广受好评 《杀戮之旅3》作为一款以全新形式展现的作品来说,...

killing Journey Series for killing third "tour 3" (Overkill 3) previously on the shelf after by all the consistent high praise, it seems that a lot of people still like the shooting game, and the first person to the third person from the transformation we are still easy to accept. Recently the Android version of usher in a major update, see together! Man new acclaimed "killing tour 3" as a brand new form to show works,...

标签: 安卓