新关注 > 信息聚合 > 别克GL6将搭载1.3T发动机 预计11月上市

别克GL6将搭载1.3T发动机 预计11月上市

Buick GL6 carrying 1.3 T engine is expected to November

2017-08-03 06:14:37来源: 爱卡汽车网

日前,我们从相关渠道获悉,别克GL6将搭载一台1.3T涡轮增压发动机。作为别克品牌旗下全新MPV车型,采用最新别克家族式设计风格,新车将于11月上市发售。 看了以下要点,本文算读完一半: 1...

A few days ago, we learned from relevant channels that buick GL6 will carry a 1.3 T turbocharged engine. As a buick brand new MPV models, using the latest buick family-owned design style, new car will be available in November. Look at the following points, this paper calculate finished half: 1...