新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前8个月全国餐饮两位数增长 黄金周餐企揽客别出心裁

前8个月全国餐饮两位数增长 黄金周餐企揽客别出心裁

Eight months before the national food double-digit growth "golden week" meal USES his ingenuity

2017-10-09 01:23:39来源: 金融界


"11" long holiday is the peak season, not only is a good time of the catering industry. Coincides with the Mid-Autumn festival this year National Day overlapping double festival, where to have fun, eat? As people think and do things every day. Believe the relevant person in charge of good record in an interview with the "securities journal" reporter, said after the crawfish season after sales unusually hot, good letter of pickled fish products become a dark horse in the double festival Mid-Autumn National Day this year, the early stage of the sales were up nearly 200%.