虽然鲍康如已宣布离开,但「互联网门户」Reddit 的闹剧并没有因此而停止。 今天,Reddit 联合创始人、前首席执行官王一山发布评论,指责另一位创始人 Alexis Ohanian 才是真正解雇掉 Victoria Taylor 的幕后黑手,同时为刚刚引咎辞职的鲍康如鸣不平。在 R...
although Bao Kangru has announced to leave, but the "Internet portal" Reddit farce has not stopped. Today, reddit co-founder, former chief execution officer Wang Yishan posted a comment, accusing the other a founder Alexis Ohanian is really off Victoria Taylor from behind the scenes, at the same time to just take the blame and resign Bao kangru grievance. At R...