新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王一山力撑鲍康如,Reddit 内部再现撕逼!

王一山力撑鲍康如,Reddit 内部再现撕逼!

Wang Yishan supporter Kangru Reddit Bao, the internal representation of tear force!

2015-07-14 15:02:41来源: Tech2IPO

虽然鲍康如已宣布离开,但「互联网门户」Reddit 的闹剧并没有因此而停止。 今天,Reddit 联合创始人、前首席执行官王一山发布评论,指责另一位创始人 Alexis Ohanian 才是真正解雇掉 Victoria Taylor 的幕后黑手,同时为刚刚引咎辞职的鲍康如鸣不平。在 R...

although Bao Kangru has announced to leave, but the "Internet portal" Reddit farce has not stopped. Today, reddit co-founder, former chief execution officer Wang Yishan posted a comment, accusing the other a founder Alexis Ohanian is really off Victoria Taylor from behind the scenes, at the same time to just take the blame and resign Bao kangru grievance. At R...