新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2019年暴雪打折季即将到来 1月12日开启

2019年暴雪打折季即将到来 1月12日开启

Blizzard Discount Season 2019 is about to open on January 12

2019-01-10 00:00:00来源: 人民网

暴雪中国近日宣布2019年暴雪打折季将于1月12日开启,每款游戏的打折时间和具体活动内容将陆续公布。 值得一提的是,2018年暴雪打折季1月24日开始,首款活动游戏是《星际争霸2》,打折时间持续了一周。随后是《风暴英雄》(1.31-2.15),《炉石传说》(2.7-2.22),《守望先锋》(2.10-2.21),《魔兽世界(2.12-2.25),《魔兽争霸3》(2.12-2.25)和《暗黑破坏神3》(2.16-2.27)。 以去年的《暗黑3》为例,活动时间内,《暗黑3》典藏版原价388元,活动价为198元,畅玩版原价198元,活动价为98元。(董思睿)

Blizzard China recently announced that the Blizzard Discount Season of 2019 will be opened on January 12. The discount time and specific activities of each game will be announced one after another. It is worth mentioning that the blizzard discount season of 2018 began on January 24, and the first event game was StarCraft II, which lasted for a week. Then came Storm Hero (1.31-2.15), Heartstone Legend (2.7-2.22), Watchman Pioneer (2.10-2.21), World of Warcraft (2.12-2.25), Warcraft Strife 3 (2.12-2.25) and Diablo 3 (2.16-2.27). Take last year's Diablo 3 as an example. During the activity period, the original price of Diablo 3 is 388 yuan, the activity price is 198 yuan, Changju version is 198 yuan, and the activity price is 98 yuan. (Dong Sirui) & nbsp;

标签: 暴雪